Rockwell to Siemens TIA Portal - ACD (PA)

Siemens invites you to a 1-day automation workshop. Join us at this hands-on workshop, presented virtually by a Certified Rock-well/ Siemens Solution Partner, for you to migrate your Rockwell PLC software knowledge to the Siemens TIA Portal programming environment.

Course Information: Tuesday, October 15 - 8:30am-5:00pm at ACD Headquarters                                             

Rockwell to Siemens TIA Portal - ACD & Adcon (OH)

Siemens invites you to a 1-day automation workshop. Join us at this hands-on workshop, presented virtually by a Certified Rock-well/ Siemens Solution Partner, for you to migrate your Rockwell PLC software knowledge to the Siemens TIA Portal programming environment.

Course Information: Tuesday, October 15 - 8:30am-5:00pm at ACD/Adcon Ohio office